Your office bitch takes it with no lube.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have been tardy for the party. To be quite honest with you, I actually split my time between receptioning and school. This past semseter was a KILLER.

What did I do at the Christmas party this year? I know what you want me to say: Grey Goose and Cran, and an executive but, no. The Bitch behaved. She had her big girl panties on and they STAYED on. How many times do I have to tell you I am the Office Bitch not the Office Slut. If you are the resident slut and trying to take yourself out of slutdom there is a very simple way to avoid this: GRAN PANS! That's right wear those granny panties and shame should keep you from doing anything that would be office gossip the next day. If that STILL doesn't stop you, you aren't a slut you'se a ho. That's ok, you be you. We will enjoy passing around pictures of your butt on copy machine.

OB did get a question:

Dear Office Bitch sans Lube,

What do I do when I get cursed out for no good reason by an executive?

Tongue Lashed.

OUCH! I'll tell you later on this week. Stay tuned.

If you have a question of OB please email it to: