I know I've said this before, but much has happened in my life.
First, I am sorry, yet happy, to say: I don't work for the corporate engine anymore!
Second, I graduated from college and decided to run away to another country... for grad school... for the next year ...IN THIS ECONOMY. Yeah, I'm still crazy!
This means that I have a bit more time and more freedom to answer your office queries! Aren't you excited? I am!
This is a letter I received recently:
Dear Receptionist,
I have a major problem. My co worker in the next cubicle is a nice person, but talks way too loudly and way too much and literally has a voice that sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Earphones at my job are not an option. I've tried to ask her to keep her voice down but she says she has a hearing issue. Her loud, mostly non work related conversations are really interfering with my ability to get my tasks done. Involving my supervisors has not lead to anything productive. Any ideas on what to do?
-About To Lose My Hearing and My Mind
Dear About,
That cow! I hate that! I need to marinate and get back to you on Saturday!
Hang in there!
Your Office Bitch (The Receptionist)
In the meantime, if YOU have an office etiquette queries, please feel free to send them to: intlcatwoman@gmail.com. I'll post my practical and impractical response as usual!